Assembly 17 Videos

Below are some videos & clips of some of Assembly 17's Meetings, Get Togethers, and Behind The Scenes of Assembly 17's Shows.

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Rich Gilbert as The Professor at Assembly 17's Get Together 2017

Dan Sclare performing.

Jude Giordano performing mentalism.

Jeff Pyzocha amazes his co workers with some close up magic.

Some history on the beginnings of the Society Of American Magicians.

Leonard Nadeau performing Newspaper Magic.

Jeff Pyzocha Magical Recycling.

Jeff Pyzocha amazes his co workers with some close up magic.

Tucker Goodman performing at Assembly 17's Get Together.

Behind the scenes, getting ready for one of Assembly 17's public shows.

Marlene Clark Ventriloquism

Rick Mayers Mentalism.

Highlights from Pj Pinsonnaults's Conjuring Christmas Shows.

Jeff Pyzocha performs at Assembly 17's get Together.

Tom Gentile assists Bob Sheets doing a card stab at a Cape Cod Conclave in 1992.